Monthly archives: mars, 2020

The Last Trump

Donald Trump is often depicted as in opposition to the ”globalists” and is seen by many of his supporters as a Saviour and Messiah who will fight the present world order, ”drain the swamp” and jail the ”cabal”. This concept is widely spread among the Alt-Right, the New Age movement, Orthodox Jews and Christian Millenarianists. …

Still waiting for NESARA?

NESARA is a popular internet myth, attracting constantly new batches of naïve people hoping that everything that is wrong in the United States and in the world will soon be rectified, while miraculously solving their personal financial problems in the process. It was originally based on a grain of truth but has since been gravely …

The Corona Crisis and the Technocratic Agenda

The Corona Crisis has in a matter of weeks profoundly affected every aspect of life and become the perfect trigger event to kick-start the Great Digital Transformation with its “smart” solutions and stringent surveillance measures. In the wake of this crisis we now see rekindled calls for Global Government, a restructuring of the economic system, …

Att vänta på NESARA

NESARA är en seglivad myt som upprätthålls årtionde efter årtionde av naiva människor som hoppas att allt som är fel i USA och världen i stort snart ska ställas tillrätta – och dessutom mirakulöst lösa deras personliga ekonomiska problem. Den är baserad på ett korn av sanning men har sedan gravt överdrivits och byggts på …

Trumfkortet Trump

Donald Trump framställs ofta som en motståndare till “globalisterna” och ses av många av sina anhängare som en frälsare som ska göra upp med den gamla ordningen, rensa upp i träsket och sätta “kabalen” inom lås och bom. Denna uppfattning sprids bland annat inom alt-höger, bland nyandliga samt kristna millenniarister. Den amerikanske konspirationsjournalisten Alex Jones …

CJR Covering Climate Change

Last spring, on April 30, 2019, an extraordinary Rockefeller Family-supported town hall, Covering Climate Change, was held at the Columbia Journalism School with the objective of changing how climate change is reported in the media. There was a wide agreement on the urgency of pushing climate change to the fore in the media, and that the very basis …