Ukraine – The Trigger for a New Energy Order?

The war in Ukraine may have a far greater significance than what is being portrayed in the media. The game is more complex and accommodates key players who play on sides of the conflict. The war has quickly shifted the focus from the pandemic and its aftermath. It can also act as the trigger that ultimately promotes the construction of a New International Economic Order and the implementation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the UN Agenda 2030. This applies in the field of cyber security, where Russia and the WEF have been the key players, as well as the UN Sustainable Development Goal number 7, ”Sustainable energy for all”.

The Ukraine crisis has brought to the fore my master’s thesis The Bell Tolls for Europe, which I wrote in 2007 (the year before I began my doctoral studies). The subject was political geography (or geopolitics) and was about the European Union’s great dependence on Russian energy. I described a European continent that could end up in a trap which could result in a changed geopolitical order.

If Europe continues to support the United States in future conflicts, Russia could punish a US-friendly Europe by shutting off energy supplies and causing serious supply problems. The old Western-dominated system is seriously threatened by the new energy situation. The energy and the new strong powers are instead in the east.[1]

Russia had used this strategy on Ukraine a couple of years before.

This became especially clear in the case of Ukraine and the great power game that characterized the presidential election in 2005. When the pro-Western president Viktor Yushchenko came to power in the Orange Revolution and actively wanted to seek both EU and NATO membership, Russia responded by raising the natural gas price by 450%.[2]

Russia using its energy prices as a weapon was the real reason for the EU to invest heavily in energy savings and renewable energy. Outwardly, however, the rational was all about saving the climate. The target set in 2007 was 20% renewable and 20% energy efficiency improvements by 2020 (the EU Renewable Energy Directive, which was hammered out in December 2008, had this as a goal).[3]

In 2018, the target was raised to 32% renewable by 2030 and 32.5% energy efficiency. In 2019, this became part of the EU’s Green Deal, with the goal of achieving carbon dioxide neutrality by the year 2050.[4]

The consequence, however, has been that  dependence on the outside world has increased. The green investments have not given any real independence and the closure of nuclear and coal power plants has only worsened the situation. In order to produce renewable energy in larger quantities, an underlying fossil fuel system (oil, natural gas or coal) is required.[5] Wind and solar power require regulating power. This has led to more than 60% of energy being imported into the EU today.

The Russian natural gas has instead become the backbone of the European energy system. Following lobbying from several countries, the EU in December 2021 decided to reclassify natural gas combustion in natural power plants as ”sustainable”.[6]

The increased dependence on Russia has put especially Germany in a precarious security policy situation. Europe holds only 1.5% of the known natural gas resources, while Russia accounts for almost 40%. This illustrates what is meant by ”interdependence”.

The German Energiewende seems to be based on pure fantasies and has paired gigantic costs with a mediocre outcome. More than half (56%) of Germany’s gas needs are now covered by Russia, compared with a third ten years ago.

In addition, Russian companies such as Gazprom, with former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder on the board, bought strategic gas plants in Germany.[7] Gazprom, which is the world’s largest natural gas supplier, is controlled by the Russian state and Vladimir Putin has appointed CEO Alexei Miller (he also holds the post of Russia’s deputy energy minister). The Chairman of the Board, Viktor Zubkov, was the Prime Minister of Russia 2007–2009 and the Deputy Prime Minister 2009–2012.

At the same time as Russia (or Gazprom) has Europe in a trap, the country is very dependent on revenues because 2/3 of Russia’s exports come from oil and gas. In any case, the situation risks causing a European energy crisis with major consequences for our supply in Europe. It is a completely unsustainable situation that is towering. Energy prices are soaring. The price of oil has already risen to over 100 dollars a barrel and the price of petrol is now a little over 20 SEK a liter here in Sweden. Of course, this also affects food prices. Former Swedish Minister of Defense Mikael Odenberg also warns that foreign powers may cut off Sweden’s energy supply for a longer period of time.

For my own part, a lot of knowledge has been gained since I wrote my geopolitical analysis 15 years ago. The game is more complex than I then assumed. There are key players who play on sides outside the control of nations, where a completely different agenda exists.

The conflict have consequences that affect this underlying game. People’s focus has immediately shifted from pandemic to war. Many are now declaring their contempt for Vladimir Putin and giving their support to Ukraine instead of talking about how many vaccine doses they have taken and how crazy and dangerous those who haven’t are.

The growing number of people who had begun to question the pandemic have also caused others to worry. Virtually everyone is running on the new ball. This means that the growing awareness and debate on what has actually taken place in the last two years has ended up in the backwater. This also shows how easily controlled many people are. There is obviously no need for brain chips and remote controls when a well-oiled propaganda machine can be just as effective.

The aftermath and evaluation of the pandemic has now been overshadowed. For example, what happens to the reporting of side effects, or of Justin Trudeau’s stunning abuse of power in Canada? Or Jacinda Ardens in New Zealand and the demonstrations there? What happens to Reiner Fuellmich’s Corona Commission (which, however, was not taken to real court as first promised but is held as an independent tribunal without executive power)?[8] Both the mainstream and alternative media are now almost 100% focused on the new crisis in Ukraine.

One Health

This also means that important decisions about future pandemic management are not discussed and effectively kept away from public attention. In December 2021, for example, the WHO came up with a proposal for an international treaty on the prevention and preparedness for pandemics. This preparation began March 1, 2022 and is scheduled to be presented at the World Health Assembly 2023 followed by an adoption by 2024.[9] This will give the WHO a greater mandate to lead the work in order to create a unified global health response – One Health. As the European Council writes:

Viruses know no boundaries. No government or institution alone can handle future pandemics.

The European Commission has also proposed extending the Covidpass Regulation by 12 months. Thus, Covidpasses may continue to be required at border crossings within the Union.[10]

It is not unlikely that the pass will then become permanent feature in the EU and that other types of data requirements will be included.

This may in fact be the gateway to the ”digital wallet” which is indicated in the World Economic Forum’s reports and which the Swedish Agency for Digital Administration (DIGG) also works on behalf of the Swedish government.[11]

At the same time, the new Swedish Pandemic Law is being considered and a proposal will be presented in May with a final report no later than September 2023.[12] This may well be be coordinated with the WHO Treaty to ensure that Swedish legislation can allow more far-reaching measures next time a pandemic strikes than those constitutionally permitted during the Covid-19 crisis. For example, curfews, regional travel bans, and greater demands on the individual’s obligations will be addressed.


The WHO and the EU also want to ”improve the flow of reliable and accurate information and take global action against misinformation.” This has gained new momentum in connection with the Ukraine crisis, where there are calls for tighter control of the internet to deal with Russian disinformation. The EU, led by Ursula von der Leyen, wants to shut down Russian news sites such as Russia Today and Sputnik.

We are developing tools to ban the toxic and harmful disinformation in Europe. (Ursula von der Leyen)

This can of course soon be extended to other system-critical sites. It can also lead to bank accounts being frozen, just like during the truck demonstrations in Canada. Former Swedish Minister of Defense Mikael Odenberg also thinks that all Russian citizens should be deported from Sweden (!). Meanwhile, Russian products such as vodka have begun to be removed from store shelves.[13]

In Sweden, the Swedish Agency for Psychological Defense in January was initiated with the task of ”identifying, analyzing, meeting and preventing undue influence on information and other misleading information that is directed at Sweden or Swedish interests.” The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agencys report on conspiracy theories provides a picture of what this means.

”Conspiracy theories as part of influence operations directed at Europe, ie from the outside in, are actively spread by regime-loyal press in Russia as well as in eastern and southeastern Europe.”[14]

”Both Brexit and the 2016 and 2020 US presidential elections were affected by misinformation and conspiracy theories, and during the covid-19 pandemic it has been possible to see new coalitions between vaccine opponents, climate deniers and ’classic’ conspiracy theorists who believe in a power elite, secret society. or associations.”[15]

Anti-waxxers and other critics can now be linked to Russia. Several profiles with links to the ”truth movement”, such as New Age profile Sacha Stone and the ”master-of-disinformation” Benjamin Fulford have for several years spread the message that Vladimir Putin together with Donald Trump will reveal and overthrow the globalists’ New World Order.

I’m a huge fan of Donald Trump. As much of a fan as I am of Vladimir Putin. They’re the greatest double act that I could have wished for. The chess that’s being played is exquisite.

The exaggerated rhetoric and messages, which have been widely shared on social media, can now be used to neutralize opposition to the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Cyber Polygon

This is also related to the exercise ”Cyber ​​Polygon”. Every year since 2019, the World Economic Forum has practiced cyber warfare with a large proportion of Russian actors as participants. The first year, the exercise was held in Moscow. Some topics covered are ”Fake news – a new ’digital’ pandemic?” and ”International regulations on the web – it’s necessary, but is it possible?”.

Some of the participants have been the Prime Minister of Russia Mikhail Mishustin, the chairman of the Russian major bank Sberbank Herman Gref (member of the board of the World Economic Forum 2011–2022 and formerly Gazprom) and the Russian journalist Vladimir Pozner, along with Klaus Schwab, Tony Blair, Steve Vozniak (Apple) and Jeremy Jurgens (WEF).

This shows how close ”enemies” are. In his opening statements 2020, Klaus Swab praised the good relationship between the World Economic Forum and Russia.

I wish to thank my in particular my good friend and committed partner at the World Economic Forum Mr. Herman Gref the CEO and chairman of the executive board at Sberbank and also off course a member of the board of trustees of World Economic Forum. The Forum has built an excellent relationship with the Russian Federation. Both with the business community as well as with the government. I was pleased to meet with President Putin last year and I look forward to deepening this relationship with you Mr. Prime minister (Mikhail Mishustin) and your government.[16]

At the same time, Schwab emphasized the change that has taken place in connection with the pandemic and how it opens up for the digitalisation of the world.

2020 the year that has really has changed the world. It is thanks to technology that we are able to join the Cyber Polygon entirely remotely. For the first time actually, since World War II, the corona virus pandemic marks a fundamental inflection point in our global course.[17]

Following the invasion of Ukraine, several of the Russian actors have been erased from the World Economic Forum’s website, while Klaus Schwab and WEF’s CEO Börge Brende condemn Russia’s actions.

The essence of our organization is its belief in respect, dialogue, and collaborative and cooperative efforts. We therefore deeply condemn the aggression by Russia against Ukraine, the attacks and atrocities. Our full solidarity is with Ukraine’s people and all those who are suffering innocently from this totally unacceptable war. We will do whatever is possible to help and actively support humanitarian and diplomatic efforts. We only hope that – in the longer-term – reason will prevail and that the space for bridge-building and reconciliation once more emerges.[18]

But is it possible to take this statement seriously? Is it not rather that the conflict means the next step on the road to the new digital world order?

As recently as October, Russia launched its Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution following an agreement between the WEF and the Russian government.[19]   In connection to this, Evgeny Kovnir, Director General of ANO ”Digital Economy”, stated:

Our organization brings together leading Russian technology companies. We will work together with leaders from these companies and across the network to explore and implement the best international AI, IoT, and data policy solutions. We will bring Russia’s advancements in these areas to the global network and help to shape global progress in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.[20]

WEF’s portal Strategic Intelligence, which was launched at the end of 2019, describes Russia’s position in the global game.

By reinforcing global governance institutions, Russia can help create a common interest in tackling global problems related to energy security, food security, cyber security, climate change, and environmental sustainability.[21]

These issues have now been brought to the fore in a very abrupt way through the war. This should also be seen in relation to what is said under the heading ”The EU’s Geopolitical Showdown”.

Energy needs tied to relations with Russia will also test Europe’s resolve to be a unified strategic actor. In a world where power politics and transactional mindsets still dominate, Europe must continue to advocate for democracy and multilateralism, and to serve as a laboratory (and model) for successful trans-national governance.[22]

The EU must achieve greater unity in order to succeed. Now there is a common enemy. In addition, a strategic partnership with China is considered ”inevitable” if the EU’s geopolitical aspirations are to be implemented.[23]

The truth is that we are facing a geopolitical change. The old world is being broken more and more with each crisis that occurs. In the background the march towards the new global system is going on. The New International Economic Order – where actors such as the WEF, G20, OECD, IMF, World Bank and United Nations all play central roles.

The world’s leading political forum G20, of which both the EU and Russia are members, this year has global health, sustainable energy transition and digital transformation as its priorities.[24] In the first case, it is discussed how a new Global Health Architecture should be built up after the pandemic, and in the second case, issues relating to the new crisis are in focus (Sustainable Energy Transition). The latter is linked to the UN’s sustainability goal number 7, ”Sustainable energy for all”, to which the UN released a global roadmap on 3 November 2021.

The Ukraine war and its aftermath constitute a ”trigger event” that highlights the problem. The question of how to achieve global energy security is likely to be a hot topic during the remainder of this year, with Russia and the EU as some of the main players.

In the middle of the above image is the central pillar – the Digital Transformation, where the fusion between man and the digital world is at the center. Everything is meant to lead to the digital carbon dioxide currency and the connected human being. In this area, there seems to be no schism between the leaders of the East and the West. In any case, WEF includes both sides.

The war in Ukraine also opens up for the introduction of martial law with digital rationing cards and a change of the food system. The sale of contingency stocks and the dismantling of defense capabilities that took place in the 1990s opens up for new good deals for the arms industry and suppliers of protective equipment, storable food, etc. It also motivates countries such as Sweden and Finland to quickly join NATO for protection. Crises open up for opportunities…

Jacob Nordangård, PhD Science and Technology Studies

Read more about World Economic Forum, Agenda 2030, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Rockefeller – Controlling the Game

World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders”

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[1] Nordangård, J. (2007). Ödesstund för Europa : Om de geopolitiska konsekvenserna av Europas beroende av rysk energi (Dissertation, Avdelning för geografi).
[2] Ibid.
[3] Nordangård, J. (2012). ORDO AB CHAO : Den politiska historien om biodrivmedel i den Europeiska Unionen – Aktörer, nätverk och strategier (PhD dissertation, Linköping University Electronic Press).
[4] Europeiska Kommissionen (2020), RAPPORT FRÅN KOMMISSIONEN TILL EUROPAPARLAMENTET OCH RÅDET 2020 års bedömning av de framsteg som medlemsstaterna gjort för att genomföra direktiv 2012/27/EU om energieffektivitet och för att införa nära-nollenergibyggnader och kostnadsoptimala minimikrav för energiprestanda i EU i enlighet med direktiv 2010/31/EU om byggnaders energiprestanda, Bryssel den 14.10.2020 COM(2020) 954 final
[5] Nordangård, J. (2007). Med brödfödan som drivkraft : En studie om att byta olja mot biodrivmedel i ett globalt perspektiv (Dissertation, Avdelning för geografi).
[6] Shashi Kant Yadav (2022), ”Natural gas is a fossil fuel, but the EU will count it as a green investment – here’s why
[7] Gazprom Germania, Natural gas storage
[8] Stiftung Corona Anschuss (2022), Sessions
[9] Europeiska Rådet (2021), Ett internationellt fördrag om förebyggande av och beredskap inför pandemier
[10] Förslag till EUROPAPARLAMENTETS OCH RÅDETS FÖRORDNING om ändring av förordning (EU) 2021/953 om en ram för utfärdande, kontroll och godtagande av interoperabla intyg om vaccination mot, testning för och tillfrisknande från covid-19 (EU:s digitala covidintyg) för att underlätta fri rörlighet under covid-19- pandemin, Bryssel den 3.2.2022 COM(2022) 50 final 2022/0031 (COD)
[11] World Economic Forum (2021), Digital Currency Governance Consortium White Paper Series;
DIGG (2022), Digital plånbok
[12] Regeringen (2021), Författningsberedskap inför framtida pandemier
[13] Ramachandran, Naman (2022), ”European Union to Ban Russia Today and Sputnik, Close Airspace as President Putin Threatens Nuclear Action, artikel i Variety 27 februari 2022;
Kvartal (2022), ”Tidigare försvarsministern: Utvisa alla ryska medborgare”, 2 mars 2020
[14] MSB (2021), Konspirationsteorier och covid-19: mekanismerna bakom en snabbväxande samhällsutmaning, sid 32,
[15] Ibid. sid 23
[16] Cyber Polygon (2020), Welcoming Remarks. Klaus Schwab
[17] Ibid.
[18] World Economic Forum (2022), ”Our full solidarity is with Ukraines people
[19] Dekret från Ryska federationens regering daterat den 1 september 2021 nr 2419-r
[20] World Economic Forum (2021), ”Russia Joins Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network”, Press Release 13 okt 2021,
[21] World Economic Forum (2022), ”Strategic Intelligence, Russian Federation: Russia’s Global Positioning
[22] World Economic Forum (2022), ”European Union: The EU’s Geopolitical Showdown
[23] The authors of the first quotation are Russia’s leading university, Moscow State University, while the second comes from the School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute. These train transnational leaders under the leadership of Finland’s former Prime Minister Alexander Stubb and who are supported by international institutions such as the EU and the UN.
[24] G20, Presidency of Indonesia (2022), Priority Issues

Comments 13

  • […] In 2018 werd de doelstelling verhoogd tot 32% hernieuwbaar in 2030 en 32,5% energie-efficiëntie. In 2019 werd dit onderdeel van de Green Deal van de EU, met als doel om tegen 2050 koolstofdioxideneutraliteit te bereiken. [4]Advertisement […]

  • It is one part of their agenda to enslave and exterminate us.

    The stupid who still trust media, governments and corporations will be the first to suffer.

    +32-229-560 70

  • It is part of their plan. the only question is : Is Putin part of the agenda? In whcih case, Ukrainians are even more stupid than what I thought. They sold their soul in the 2004 coup. They sold their asses in the 2014 CIA/soros coup. They sold their country to the jew zlensky and his puppet masters in 2019 (you’ve got to be a real moron to vote for a comedian known to play piano with his dick).

    And now they have only their eyes left to cry while everybody is preparing their partition.

    It’s their own fault. They could have stoppe dthe 2014 coup, they didn’t.

    They weren’t obliged to elect a NATO/NWO puppet…

    The real lever is the food system. Ukraine and Russia are cereal reserves for Europe and the world. The Russians won’t starve, the Europeans and others will…

    Most Europeans are too stupid to understand that all their problems come from the EU. All of them.

    And again, the whore van der leyen has decided on her own to have 400 million people to starve and banned from Russian oil and gas.

    Who elected her? Nobody
    Who voted for her to to do that? Nobody

    But hey fret not, the stupid Europeans in the next elections will vote again for the globalist puppets who want their death. They will do so after the 4th dose and wearing their dog muzzles.

  • Nice article but too long. Who has time to read 8 pages?

    Anyway, the big losers are Europeans of course. As long as the EUSSR will exist and destroy Europe by being the little lackeys of the US deep state and the globalists, Europe will suffer.

    The real solution is to DESTROY (and not in a nice way) the EUSSR and build a new European continent from the Atlantic to the Urals, exlcuding the USA and UK and removing all remnants of the US occupation army, NATO from all european countries.

    Puppet like zelensky, van der leyen belong to jail with their friend usurper joe biden.


  • Glad I’m not the only one who noticed that Fuellmich isn’t doing anything. Some of my objections to Fuellmich are in the ”Rant” under this video of a man who is actually doing something, who is really fighting the scamdemic culprits:

  • […] By: Jacob Nordangård, PhD March 4, […]

  • […] In Zweden is in januari daarom al een Swedish Agency for Psychological Defense opgericht. Dat meldt politiek wetenschapper Jacob Nordangard van de Pharos Stichting. […]

  • […] Ukraine Trigger: New Energy Order, Digital Transformation, Health Architecture […]

  • […] Ukraine Trigger: New Energy Order, Digital Transformation, Health Architecture […]

  • […] [1] Nordangård, J. (2007). Ödesstund för Europa : Om de geopolitiska konsekvenserna av Europas beroende av rysk energi (Dissertation, Avdelning för geografi).[2] Ibid.[3] Nordangård, J. (2012). ORDO AB CHAO : Den politiska historien om biodrivmedel i den Europeiska Unionen – Aktörer, nätverk och strategier (PhD dissertation, Linköping University Electronic Press).[4] Europeiska Kommissionen (2020), RAPPORT FRÅN KOMMISSIONEN TILL EUROPAPARLAMENTET OCH RÅDET 2020 års bedömning av de framsteg som medlemsstaterna gjort för att genomföra direktiv 2012/27/EU om energieffektivitet och för att införa nära-nollenergibyggnader och kostnadsoptimala minimikrav för energiprestanda i EU i enlighet med direktiv 2010/31/EU om byggnaders energiprestanda, Bryssel den 14.10.2020 COM(2020) 954 final[5] Nordangård, J. (2007). Med brödfödan som drivkraft : En studie om att byta olja mot biodrivmedel i ett globalt perspektiv (Dissertation, Avdelning för geografi).[6] Shashi Kant Yadav (2022), “Natural gas is a fossil fuel, but the EU will count it as a green investment – here’s why”[7] Gazprom Germania, Natural gas storage[8] Stiftung Corona Anschuss (2022), Sessions[9] Europeiska Rådet (2021), Ett internationellt fördrag om förebyggande av och beredskap inför pandemier[10] Förslag till EUROPAPARLAMENTETS OCH RÅDETS FÖRORDNING om ändring av förordning (EU) 2021/953 om en ram för utfärdande, kontroll och godtagande av interoperabla intyg om vaccination mot, testning för och tillfrisknande från covid-19 (EU:s digitala covidintyg) för att underlätta fri rörlighet under covid-19- pandemin, Bryssel den 3.2.2022 COM(2022) 50 final 2022/0031 (COD)[11] World Economic Forum (2021), Digital Currency Governance Consortium White Paper Series;DIGG (2022), Digital plånbok[12] Regeringen (2021), Författningsberedskap inför framtida pandemier[13] Ramachandran, Naman (2022), “European Union to Ban Russia Today and Sputnik, Close Airspace as President Putin Threatens Nuclear Action, artikel i Variety 27 februari 2022;Kvartal (2022), “Tidigare försvarsministern: Utvisa alla ryska medborgare“, 2 mars 2020[14] MSB (2021), Konspirationsteorier och covid-19: mekanismerna bakom en snabbväxande samhällsutmaning, sid 32,[15] Ibid. sid 23[16] Cyber Polygon (2020), Welcoming Remarks. Klaus Schwab[17] Ibid.[18] World Economic Forum (2022), “Our full solidarity is with Ukraines people”[19] Dekret från Ryska federationens regering daterat den 1 september 2021 nr 2419-r[20] World Economic Forum (2021), “Russia Joins Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network“, Press Release 13 okt 2021,[21] World Economic Forum (2022), “Strategic Intelligence, Russian Federation: Russia’s Global Positioning”[22] World Economic Forum (2022), “European Union: The EU’s Geopolitical Showdown”[23] Die Autoren des ersten Zitats sind die führende russische Universität, die Moskauer Staatsuniversität, während das zweite von der „School of Transnational Governance“ am Europäischen Hochschulinstitut stammt. Diese bilden unter der Leitung des ehemaligen finnischen Ministerpräsidenten Alexander Stubb transnationale Führungskräfte aus, die von internationalen Institutionen wie der EU und der UNO unterstützt werden. G20, Presidency of Indonesia (2022), Priority Issues […]

  • Very well written and insightful article. Thanks Jacob.

    /Lucia Sabadija

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