The Stockholm Conference 1972

On  June5–16, 1972, the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment was held in Stockholm. The motto of the conference was ”Only One Earth.” This milestone put the environment on the international agenda and laid the foundation for future climate conferences.

UNEPs documentary from the conference:

The Stockholm Conference resulted in the Stockholm Declaration with its 26 principles, an action plan with 109 recommendations and one resolution. Despite the many genuinely committed activists, the Stockholm Conference was basically an elite project with countless connections to the Rockefeller family and related organisations and individuals.

  • Funding for the conference secretariat and one of its advisory committees came from Rockefeller Foundation.

  • Maurice Strong, who had been an oil man for most of his career and would become president of Petro-Canada, was a friend of David Rockefeller and had been a board member of Rockefeller Foundation 1971–76. Strong’s conference advisor was Nelson Rockefellers’s friend Carrol L. Wilson.

  • The chairman of the American delegation, Russell Train (chairman of Conservation Foundation), was a close friend and mentor of Laurance Rockefeller. 

  • Laurance Rockefeller was also part of the U.S. delegation, leading the group Human Settlements.

  • Barbara Ward and René Dubos (Rockefeller University) wrote the framework for the conference titled, Only One Earth: The Care and Maintenance of a Small Planet (through IIEA, funded by the Ford Foundation and the World Bank).

  • Ward was a personal friend of Nelson Rockefeller. In 1967 she was appointed Albert Schweizer Professor of International Economic Development at Columbia University, established by Nelson when he was governor of New York.

Maurice Strong talks to hippie activists in Skarpnäck outside Stockholm during the Stockholm Conference 1972 (foto Staffan Wennberg)


Read more about the background in Rockefeller– Controlling the game by Jacob Nordangård

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