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Forskare, musiker och författare. Filosofie doktor i Tema Teknik och Social Förändring samt filosofie magister i Geografi och Kultur, Samhälle, Mediegestaltning.

6. Build Trust – The Ministry of Truth

”We must make lying wrong again,” writes UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in Our Common Agenda. He wants to create a ”global code of conduct” that promotes the integrity of public information and wants to improve people’s experiences of public institutions and basic services and create ”inclusive” exercises that include citizen views and their ”ideas about the …

5. Place women and girls at the centre – AI for Women

In Our Common Agenda, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres wants to achieve gender equality in all areas, including decision-making, through quotas and special measures. Women entrepreneurs should be encouraged and young women’s voices should be heard more. In addition, an emergency action plan is to accelerate the eradication of violence against women and girls. This includes …

3. Promote Peace and Prevent Conflicts – Surveillance from Space

The third commitment in Our Common Agenda is about a new peace agenda – Promote Peace and Prevent Conflicts. This means reducing strategic risks such as nuclear weapons, cyber warfare and autonomous weapons. With something that sounds like advanced digital divination, international foresight must also be strengthened. In addition, a peaceful, secure and sustainable use …

2. Protect the Planet – A Planetary Emergency

The second commitment in Our Common Agenda is about protecting the planet. This means zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050 or earlier, declaring a global climate emergency, and that no new coal-fired power plants will be built after 2021. In addition, the global food system will be transformed to operate within the planetary boundaries. In this …

Nyårsbrev 2022

Det här har varit ett omvälvande år. I stort sätt alla de farhågor jag hade har besannats och världen har under året blivit en allt mer galen och verklighetsfrånvänd plats. Med införande av vaccinpass, interneringsläger i Australien och tvångsvaccination i Österrike togs ett stort kliv mot den globala totalitära teknokrati jag varnat för. Detta utan …

Build Back Better? Transhumanism & The Green New Deal

While citizens all over the world are obsessing over mandates and lock downs, the global upper class are using the crisis to diligently reset society according to their visions. ’Build Back Better’ is the slogan used by many world leaders. But what does the ’Better’ future hold in store and what are the underlying convictions? …

Temple of Solomon – Världshjärnan & Det falska templet

Föredraget av Jacob Nordangård – som handlar om titellåten från Wardenclyffes album Temple of Solomon – tar upp filosofiprofessorn Oliver Reisers vision om att skapa en världsorganism eller världshjärna genom att teknologisk bygga ihop mänskligheten. Något Reiser refererar till som ett återuppbyggande av Salomos tempel. Föredraget tar även upp idéernas ursprung (H.G. Wells och Teilhard …